2001 d’Yquem Sauternes: A Legend with Five Perfect Scores


Wine bottles lined up side by side


Is the 2001 d’Yquem the most legendary Sauternes ever produced? Well, that’s for you to decide, but with FIVE (5) perfect scores, it’s definitely in contention.
Chateau d’Yquem produces the most sought after and loved sweet wine in the world – From the moment this sticky, viscous delight hits your palate, you realize why collectors seek out bottles of these and hold them forever. They age sensationally well, continuing to get better and better with more time in the bottle. And if you don’t finish that bottle once you open it, no problem! Due to the high sugar and alcohol content of the wine, Sauternes lasts longer than the average bottle after opening – Just put it in your fridge and enjoy it for the next several weeks! A little goes a long way here, so a bottle will be enough for a group of your friends and family - This would be the perfect sweet treat for your guests to enjoy at the end of their evening.
You will not find reviews like this for any other Sauternes – FIVE 100-point ratings are listed in full for you below, but here are some highlights –
“It is among a very small clutch of incredible wines that crash through the 100-point ceiling and rocket beyond the stratosphere!”
“The 2001 is a true wine rarity that must be tried to be believed.”
“A wine that every wine lover should taste once in their life, it should be just about immortal.”
“Irrespective of points, it is simply one of the most magnificent wines of any kind that can pass your lips.”




2001 d'Yquem


"I have had the very good fortune to taste the 2001 d'Yquem perhaps a dozen times since its release and have never been less than absolutely floored by its combination of poise, purity, precision and layer upon intricate, jaw-dropping layer of flavor nuances. It is among a very small clutch of incredible wines that crash through the 100-point ceiling and rocket beyond the stratosphere! A testament to that magic that can be created when an uncommonly great vintage for Sauternes brings out the best of an extraordinary vineyard and is skillfully, sensitively crafted, the 2001 is a true wine rarity that must be tried to be believed." – RP100


"A brilliant sweet wine that tops out on my scale, the 2001 Château D'Yquem is now fully mature yet still vibrant and pure, with an incredible nose of honeyed marmalade, caramelized tropical fruits, rising bread, marzipan, and lavender. Incredibly complex, full-bodied, and unctuous on the palate, it's one of those rare wines that can deliver incredible richness and decadence while staying pure, light on its feet, and perfectly balanced. A wine that every wine lover should taste once in their life, it should be just about immortal." – JD100


"This has taken on a golden amber color, with fantastic intensity and complexity of aromas. Mushroom, candle wax, white truffle, chamomile, honey, vanilla bean, marmalade, smoke, toast, apricot and pineapple. Powerful, rich and intense, yet sharp and almost savory, demanding attention. Goes on and on. Drink or hold." – JS100


"Just weeks after tasting the 2001 Château d’Yquem at the estate, another bottle was served at a lunch in London and it was perfection. The aromatics are practically identical and likewise the palate, but this bottle, which had been decanted, displays a scintilla more tension, perhaps more "vibrancy" that so effortlessly counterbalances the richness. Irrespective of points, it is simply one of the most magnificent wines of any kind that can pass your lips." – AG100


"The greatest young Yquem I have ever tasted from bottle. Yellow, with a golden hue and an almost green tint. Intense aromas of botrytis, spices and blanched almonds follow through to honey, maple syrup, dried apricot and pineapple. Full-bodied, sweet, thick and powerful, with layers of fruit and a bright, lively finish. Coats the palate yet remains exciting. So balanced and refined, showing the pedigree that only this Sauternes estate can deliver. Best after 2012." – WS100



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